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Dog Food and Dog Treats.
We have 2 $10-$20 Under 8 oz. Purina Dog Food and/or Treats

Purina Dentalife Oral Care Dog Treats Large 20.7-oz (18 Chews)

Price: $10.82

DentaLifetrade is designed with an innovative porous yet chewy texture that contains thousands of air pockets Its unique shape features 8 distinct ridges that clean your dogs teeth down to the gumline DentaLife gets dogs chewing to clean even the hardtoreach teeth and delivers a breakthrough clean thats scientifically tested to reduce tartar buildup For clean teeth throughout a long healthy life together choose DentaLife For Life Helps clean hardtoreach teeth Scientifically tested to reduce tart



Purina Moist And Meaty Steak For Dogs 6-oz Pouches / Case Of 36

Price: $19.99

Made with real beef this steakflavored food can be used as a meal or a snackFor delicious flavor and excellent nutrition serve your fourlegged friend Purina Moist Meaty Steak Flavor Dog Food Made with real beef the tender and tasty food features an irresistible steak flavor that will have your pup looking forward to mealtime every day The stay fresh pouches keep the food fresh and appetizing
