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Dog Food and Dog Treats.
We have 4 Over 10 lbs. Lamb Grain Free Dog Food and/or Treats

Tuffys Pet Nutrisource Lamb Meal Formula Grain Free Dry Dog Food 15-lb Bag

Price: $35.39

NutriSource Grain-free Lamb Lamb meal is the 1 ingredient in NutriSource Grain-free Lamb which provides super premium nutrition for your dog The grain and gluten free formula is easy on digestion and features the NutriSource exclusive Good 4 Life system and is made with the finest quality pure ingredients available



Tuffys Pet Nutrisource Lamb Meal Formula Grain Free Dry Dog Food 30-lb Bag

Price: $55.49

NutriSource Grain-free Lamb Lamb meal is the 1 ingredient in NutriSource Grain-free Lamb which provides super premium nutrition for your dog The grain and gluten free formula is easy on digestion and features the NutriSource exclusive Good 4 Life system and is made with the finest quality pure ingredients available



Canidae Grain Free Pureland Dog Food (24-lb)

Price: $74.99

Canidae Grain-free PureSea Dog Food (24 lb) is a super-premium dog food featuring Fresh Bison and Lamb Meal. Canidae® Grain-free pureLAND™ was designed with happy, healthy pets in mind. Made with excellent quality ingredients blended for optimal nutrition, Canidae® Grain-free pureLAND™ is the modern answer to primal nutrition. Canidae is all natural, human-quality, holistic pet food with essential vitamins and amino acids, natural skin and coat conditioners, balanced Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids and superior digestibility. NEW & IMPROVED FORMULA Fresh Meat First Fresh bison is the #1 ingredient. Whole Foods We replaced ingredients like potato protein and tomato pomace with whole foods including chickpeas. Simple Recipes Only 7 easy-to-understand ingredients - plus vitamins, minerals, natural flavor, and mix of probiotics. Optimal Protein Levels Crude protein is now guaranteed at a minimum of 25%. Each cup contains 32 grams of protein; as much protein as a 5oz bison steak. Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min.) 25.00% Crude Fat (min.) 15.00% Crude Fiber (max.) 4.00% Moisture (max.) 10.00% Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) (min.) 3.25% Vitamin E (min.) 50.00 IU/kg Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega 3)* (min.) 0.40% Lactobacillus acidophilus* (min.) 100 million CFU/lb. Cellulase* (a)(min.) 100 CMCU/kg ** Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles. (a) One Carboxymethyl Cellulose Unit (CMCU) liberates one micromole of reducing sugar (expressed as glucose equivalents) in one minute under the conditions of the assay. Ideal for pets with food sensitivities Weve formulated this grain-free, protein-packed recipe for adult dogs of all breeds. With fresh bison, high quality lamb meal, delicious flavor, and simple holistic ingredients-its great for all adult dogs. For pets who may have developed food sensitivities, a smaller ingredient list means lowering their chance of allergic reactions. With only 7 key ingredients including fresh bison and whole fo



Petcurean Now Fresh Adult Dog Food Red Meat (25-lb)

Price: $119.33

NOW FRESH Grain-free RED MEAT Recipe for Adult Dogs is made with 100 FRESH lamb venison pork and 100 fresh Omega 3 amp 6 oils from coconuts and canola NOW FRESH Grain-free RED MEAT also features zero grains gluten wheat beef corn or soy Zero rendered meats byproducts or artificial preservatives Balanced proteins and fats to support an active lifestyle Omega oils to promote skin and coat health Pure coconut oil which is very easy for your pet to digest Pre probiotics to aid with digestive health
